13 Winning Facebook Business Page Marketing Ideas to Grow Your Fan-Base!

OK, keep reading because we’ll share 13 simple strategies that

should be the first step you take after setting up your business page!

1. Videos are King. Post a video: This is the era of ed-u-tain-ment; your audience prefers to be ed-u-tained versus educated. Facebook users watch 1.8 billion videos per day, you may as well be one of them!

2. Contact with your Fans. Find out their likes and dislikes, what will fly and what’s a flop. Staying connected to your target audience. Staying plugged-in is another FREE way to perform market research. Research and polling are Great ways to ascertain exactly your visitor’s desires.

3. Add an effective CTA: (call-to-Action button) If your CTA is to book an appointment then you’ll want to write a post encouraging your target market to book their appointment now. Another advantage of correctly optimizing your CTA in this example, your clients can book their appointment by clicking your CTA. By clicking on the book now button this takes them directly to the Facebook Editorial calendar. This is a tremendous opportunity that saves massive time and increases conversion rates.

4. We love stores so include them on your page. Page Stories let you share pictures and short videos that bring your audience behind the scenes, giving them an intimate look into your business. Talk about your new Story in your post.

5. Let your visitors know what others think of you. Post testimonials and reviews: According to recent research consumers trust reviews just as much as personal recommendations. Ask Amazon!

6. News sells. Announce news: You can post business announcements via Facebook Messenger. You can post events, sales, or community affairs on your Page to reach your customers at scale for FREE!

7. Questions are the answer. One easy way to keep your visitors engaged is by asking questions. People don’t care about how much you know; they care about how much you know about them.

8. Inspiration is always a healthy choice. Post inspirational and motivational quotes. If they are unique and highly engaging, they will be shared throughout other social media platforms.

9. Share related news: When you share the news that is relatable and of interest to your target market, it gives them a warm and cozy feeling. They feel that you don’t just care about promoting your products or services BUT YOU HAVE A GENUINE INTEREST IN THEM.

10. Crowd-source feedback: Ask your page followers for feedback and use it to improve your business. This is a great way to create transparency and openness with your audience and build brand trust.

11. Share Holiday Greetings. Especially share those unfamiliar holidays, this gives it a fun-fact. And it induces engagement.

12.Create an Event: An event can be anything you make it. Create a stir and promote it.

13. If you post a piece of content that gets plenty of comments and shares; you should consider boosting that post! You never know when you may hit the nail squarely on the head or upload that perfect video that gets many shares; your visitors will let you know.

Keeping in mind recent research found that 78{a16d06abe49b7cb280a391e2908a1c67db5c20e235c835a9ae172b47b18e1709} of American consumers say they discover products on Facebook. Facebook is considered one of the top advertising channels online. 51{a16d06abe49b7cb280a391e2908a1c67db5c20e235c835a9ae172b47b18e1709} of the total US advertising dollars are spent on digital ads.

Another note, Facebook has over 2 million-month users, 65 million small business pages and 4 million advertisers on its platform. This makes it’s the biggest social media network in the world.

Lastly, Facebook is ever-changing. It’s a good idea to keep up-to-date and current with their rules, algorithm changes and marketing tactics.

Check out PYTalkBiz.com for more Facebook marketing tips and tactics. We stay current because we practice what we teach.

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