Consultants – 5 Phenomenal Tips to Land a Consulting Job

If you are just starting out and if you think that establishing your own consulting firm or being a freelance consultant is not a viable option just yet, you can go ahead of find companies that are hiring consultants. The good thing about going this route is that you don’t need to find your own clients and that you are guaranteed a paycheck at the end of month. You’ll also enjoy benefits based on labor laws where you are working.

Here’s how you can land a consulting job:

1. Do your research. Search the internet for job openings near you. Before you distribute your resume, make sure that you do thorough background check on all the companies where you would like to apply. Do they offer comprehensive benefit package? How much do they offer to new consultants? What is their attrition rate? Do they offer training and seminar? Do they give their employees room for growth and equal opportunity on promotions?

2. Create a compelling resume. Your resume must speak volumes about you. It must contain your educational background, relevant trainings and experiences, and previous employment history. It must be easy on the eyes and promote easy reading. Use your most recent, friendly-looking photo. Leave your contact information and leave as many references as possible.

3. Ace your interview. If you are lucky and you get a call for an interview, make sure that you prepare ahead of time. Dress and look like a professional. Read some interview tips over the internet so you’ll know what you need to do on the big day. Answer questions briefly and know how to properly sell yourself without sounding too proud. One tip I can give you is to always maintain eye contact as this communicate sincerity and confidence.

4. Practice. There are some websites that can help you practice your interview. Jot down the questions that are usually being asked by the interviewers and create compelling answers. One of the questions that take interviewee off guarded is “what is your weakness?” You need to know how to answer such question without sacrificing your professional image.

5. You must possess the needed skills. You’ll increase your chances of being hired if you have project management, budgeting, organizational, and presentation skills. In addition, you must also have strong verbal and written communication and excellent analytical skills. It would also help if you can present yourself as someone who is determined and result-oriented.

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