How to Claim and Verify Your Google My Business Listing

Let’s face it, if your business isn’t on Google, you don’t exist. Did you know that well over 90{a16d06abe49b7cb280a391e2908a1c67db5c20e235c835a9ae172b47b18e1709} of all search engine traffic is Google? Today, people don’t bother memorizing much of anything, and really why should they? It’s all on Google. True.

How many times have you searched for a business on Google, and off to the right is a box with a map of where the business is located, the phone number, hours of operation, picture, and even a link to their website. It’s like Google wants to give every business a free advertisement. Well, actually Google wants to make it as easy as possible for the user to find exactly what they are looking for in 0.000048763 seconds – so, we all keep coming back.

Mobile Search Traffic is Up

You see, Google knows that they will remain the number one search engine as long as they make the user’s experience simple and seamless. Did you know that currently in 2019 over 65{a16d06abe49b7cb280a391e2908a1c67db5c20e235c835a9ae172b47b18e1709} of all Google search traffic is mobile? Wow, right? What could be easier for a mobile user than “ALL” the pertinent information ‘front and center’?

How Do I Get a “Google My Business” Listing for My Company?

Okay so, now you are asking yourself, “how do I make sure my business has a box listing at the top of the Google page when someone searches my business?” Well, this is the easy part. In fact, it’s so easy you are going to ask yourself; “why didn’t I do this before?”

Let’s take you through the simple steps. But first you have to Google your business name on Google Maps and see if it shows up. If it does show up, it’s because the Google Search Engine algorithms have found information from other sources and put it there for you, and for your customers (the user).

Claiming My “Google My Business” Listing

If you find your business already listed, then click on the button that says “Claim this Business” and the Google Tutorial will take you through the process. Remember: it’s really easy! Oh and be sure to claim your business before someone else tries to – a good incentive to do this ASAP.

My Business Isn’t Listed Yet, But I Really Want

My Free “Google My Business Listing” Now!

If it isn’t there, then you need to go to Google My Business Page and click the “Manage” button and it will take you through all the steps needed. Their system sends you verification code, just wait until the verification code comes before you start and follow the totally simple steps – seriously, a third grader can do this, yeah and probably better than any of us?

Once you have your listing you will also have a business profile page when you log in. Simply edit the information you want to appear on Google when people search for your business. You can customize Your “Google My Business” listing and add your:

  • Website Link
  • Phone Number
  • Hours of Operation
  • Logo and/or Pictures of Your Business

Okay so, that’s it – simple right? Well, some of us aren’t as smart as a third grader when it comes to all this high-tech stuff. So, if you are like me, you might want to watch a quick YouTube Video on How to Claim and Verify Your “Google My Business” Listing first.

Then you can follow the simple instructions above, and click around until you figure it out. Seriously – this is really easy. And, you have to love the price! Do you ever wonder why FREE is a 4-letter word? That is only thing about this “Google My Business” listing thing that doesn’t make cents.

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